Open Access Speckle decorrelation with wavelength shift as a simple way to image transport mean free path 30701 Alesya Mikhailovskaya, Julien Fade and Jérôme Crassous Published online: 26 April 2019 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (956.9 KB)ePUB (1.499 MB)References
Open Access Electro-optic properties of singly and doubly doped lithium niobate crystal by rare earth elements for optoelectronic and laser applications 30502 Nune Mkhitaryan, Jean Zaraket, Ninel Kokanyan, Edvard Kokanyan and Michel Aillerie Published online: 26 April 2019 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (373.8 KB)ePUB (1.016 MB)References
The realization of optomechanical complete synchronization and its application in sensors 30501 Kaiwen Li and Leisheng Jin Published online: 26 April 2019 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (1.318 MB)ePUB (3.984 MB)References
Streamer evolution arrest governed amplified AC breakdown strength of graphene and CNT colloids 30402 Purbarun Dhar, Ankur Chattopadhyay, Lakshmi Sirisha Maganti and Anilakkad Raman Harikrishnan Published online: 26 April 2019 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (2.208 MB)ePUB (3.659 MB)References
Investigation of bubble dynamics in different solvents for nanomaterial fabrication by laser ablation in liquid 30401 Leyun Shen, Ying Shi, Zhen Yang, Kai Liu, Yi Wei and Jun Chen Published online: 26 April 2019 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (1.131 MB)ePUB (2.018 MB)References
Engineering difference of band structure between mirror symmetrical adsorption and antisymmetrical adsorption of the identical group on a graphene sheet 30101 Xinyue Zhang and Qingsong Huang Published online: 26 April 2019 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (2.336 MB)ePUB (3.162 MB)References