Issue |
Eur. Phys. J. AP
Volume 9, Number 2, February 2000
Page(s) | 153 - 163 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 February 2000 |
An inverse technique to deduce the elasticity of a large artery
Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique,
Université Paris VI,
UMR 7607, B.P. 162, 4 place Jussieu,
75005 Paris, France
Corresponding author:
Published online: 15 February 2000
Our purpose is to build an inverse method which best fits
a model of artery flow and experimental
measurements (we assume that we are able to measure the displacement of the
artery as a function of time at three stations).
Having no clinical data, we simulate these measurements with the
numerical computations from a "boundary layer" code.
First, we revisit the system of Ling and Atabek
of boundary layer type for the transmission of a pressure pulse
in the
arterial system for the case of an elastic wall (but
we solve it without any simplification in the term).
Then, using a method
analogous to the well known Von Kármán-Pohlhausen method from
aeronautics but transposed here for a pulsatile flow, we build a system of
three coupled non-linear partial differential equations depending only on
time and axial co-ordinate. This system governs the dynamics of internal
artery radius, centre velocity and a quantity related to the presence of
viscous effects. These two methods give nearly the same numerical results.
Second, we construct an inverse method: the aim is to find
for the simple
integral model, the physical parameters to put in the "boundary layer" code
(simulating clinical data). This is done by varying in the integral
model the viscosity and elasticity in order to fit best with the data. To
achieve this in a rational way, we have to minimise a cost function, which
involves the computation of the adjoint system of the integral method. The good set
of parameters (i.e. viscosity, and two coefficients of a wall law)
is effectively found again. It opens the perspective for application in real
clinical cases of this new non-invasive method for evaluating the viscosity
of the flow and elasticity of the wall.
PACS: 47.15.-x – Laminar flows / 47.60.+i – Flows in ducts, channels, nozzles, and conduits
© EDP Sciences, 2000
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