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Influence of the rectangular baffle on heat transfer and pressure drop in the solar collector
Foued CHABANE, Djaber Kherroubi, Ali Arif, Noureddine Moummi and Abdelhafid Brima Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 46(1) 8547 (2024)
Computational 3D Simulations of Fluid Dynamics and Comparisons of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Various Flat-Plate Solar Collectors
Mohammed Amine Amraoui and Fayssal Benosman Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering 48(4) 2113 (2024)
An experimental study and mathematical modeling of solar drying of moisture content of the mint, apricot, and green pepper
Foued Chabane, Noureddine Moummi and Abdelhafid Brima Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 45(2) 4697 (2023)
Design a low-cost, medium-scale, flat plate solar air heater: An experimental and simulation study
Proceedings of International Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology
Kapil Rajput, Shrikant Vidya, Manoj Kumar Shukla and P. Mathiyalagan Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Proceedings of International Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology 174 319 (2020)
Experimental study of a solar air heater by adding an arrangement of transverse rectangular baffles perpendicular to the air stream